Gradov, O. V., Gradova, M. A., Kholuiskaya, S. N., and Olkhov, A. A. (2022). Electron plasma charging effects on the biocompatible electrospun dielectric fibers. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50(1):178–186.
Gradova, M. A., Gradov, O. V., Bychkova, A. V., Motyakin, M. V., Ionova, I. S., and Lobanov, A. V. (2022). Interaction between meso-tetra-(4-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin and sds in aqueous solutions: Premicellar porphyrin-surfactant j-aggregate formation. Chemical Physics, 562: 111655.
Kholuiskaya, S. N., Olkhov, A. A., Karpova, S. G., Gradova, M. A., Zernova, Y. N., and Iordanskii, A. L. (2022). Nanofiber material with hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties based on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate). Nanobiotechnology Reports, 17(1):98–105.
Gradov, O. V., Gradova, M. A., Maklakova, I. A., and Kholuiskaya, S. N. (2022). Towards electron-beam-driven soft / polymer fiber microrobotics for vacuum conditions. Materials Research Proceedings, 21: 370–383.
Biryukov, V., Princ, A., Gradov, O., and Bazlova, T. (2022). Determination of tribotechnical characteristics of modified aluminum alloys. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 180, 521–531.
Gradov, O. V., Gradova, M. A., Maklakova, I. A., Alexandrov, P. L., and Ratnovskaya, A. V. (2022). RNA charging effect registration under the sem electron beam: Novel multi-angle techniques based on vectorscopes or waveform monitors. In: XXIX RCEM "Modern methods of electron, probe microscopy and complementary methods for the study of nanostructures and nanomaterials". Moscow, August 29 – 31, 2022 , pages 214-217. FSRC Crystallography and Photonics RAS.
Buryanskaya, E. L., Gradov, O. V., Olkhov, A. A., Iordansky, A. L., and Kholuyskaya, S. N. (2022). Multifractal spectroscopy of charging single fibers and neuromorphic networks under the electron beam in SEM conditions. In: XXIX RCEM "Modern methods of electron, probe microscopy and complementary methods for the study of nanostructures and nanomaterials". Moscow, August 29 – 31, 2022 , pages 171–174. FSRC Crystallography and Photonics RAS
Gradov, O. V., Maklakova, I. A., Olkhov, A. A., Kholuyskaya, S. N., and Iordansky, A. L. (2022). Electrostatic Charging of Nonwoven Fabrics and Single Fibers. In: XXIX RCEM "Modern methods of electron, probe microscopy and complementary methods for the study of nanostructures and nanomaterials". Moscow, August 29 – 31, 2022 , pages 447–449. FSRC Crystallography and Photonics RAS.
Sergeev, A. I., Maklakova, I. A., and Gradov, O. V. (2022). Discrete microrotators controlled by an electron beam based on modified sorbents with chemically bonded phases. In: XXIX RCEM "Modern methods of electron, probe microscopy and complementary methods for the study of nanostructures and nanomaterials". Moscow, August 29 – 31, 2022 , pages 443–446. FSRC Crystallography and Photonics RAS.
Adamovich, E. D., Buryanskaya, E. L., and Gradov, O. V. (2022). Fibrillar and network actuators and micromanipulators based on ferroelectric structures for nanosatellites and picosatellites: high-vacuum and cryo-vacuum testing under particle beams in FIB-SEM and Cryo-FIB-SEM. In: XIX Conference of young scientists Fundamental and applied space research. Abstracts, electronic version , Session: Space Instrumentation and Experiment.
Gradov, O. V., Maklakova, I. A., Gradova, M. A., Sergeev, A. I., and Naganovskiy, Y. K. (2021). Towards the possibility of additive manufacturing of XNA-based devices using molecular engineering principles. Materials Science Forum, 1037:84–104.
Grigorieva, E. A., Olkhov, A. A., Gradov, O. V., and Gradova, M. A. (2021). Thermal behavior of the porous polymer composites based on LDPE and natural fillers studied by real time thermal microscopy. Key Engineering Materials, 899:644–659.
Maklakova, I. A., Gradov, O. V., Gradova, M. A., and Aleksandrov, P. L. (2021). Comparison of SEM-assisted nanoporometric and microporometric morphometric techniques applied for the ultramicroporous polymer films. Key Engineering Materials, 899:660–674.
Gradov, O. V., Aleksandrov, P. L., Shevchenko, D. A., Zaitsev, Yu. A., and Maklakova, I. A. (2021). On the feasibility of using hybrid integrated circuits and microassemblies as ESEM-compatible microfluidic subchambers. In: Joint Conference "Electron Beam Technologies and X-Ray Optics in Microelectronics" (CEBT-2021) , pages 68–70.
Orekhov, F. K. and Gradov, O. V. (2021). To the dynamic study of the behavior of foil strain gauges in the modes of correlation light and electron microscopy (CLEM), including atmospheric-liquid techniques (ESEM) and lensless clem. In: Joint Conference "Electron Beam Technologies and X-Ray Optics in Microelectronics" (CEBT-2021) , pages 74–76.
Aleksandrov, P. L., Gradov, O. V., and Maklakova, I. A. (2021). Is it possible to increase the information content of an electron microscopic study of HTSC by means of y-modulated detection and analysis of scans using a discrete differential operator on convolution by separable integer filters? In: "Joint Conference Electron Beam Technologies and X-Ray Optics in Microelectronics" (CEBT-2021) , pages 71–73.
Gradov, O. V., Gradova, M. A., Olkhov, A. A., and Iordanskii, A. L. (2020). Charge propagation along the polymer fiber of polyhydroxybutyrate: Is it possible to apply the cable model? Key Engineering Materials, 869:246–258.
Gradov, O. V., Gradova, M. A., and Alexandrov, P. L. (2020). Study of mineral samples relevant for desert locations using software correlation spectral analysis of scanning electron microscopy registers: from 2D Fourier spectra to online analysis of statistics of integral spatial characteristics. Preprints (DOI: 10.1002/essoar.10504522.1): Earth and Space Science –American Geophysical Union.
Gradova, M. A., Gradov, O. V., Naganovskiy, Y. K., and Sergeev, A. I. (2020). Thermal and chemical stability of the solid state RNA samples: Could it survive at the extreme conditions of the early earth? Viva origino. [Origin of life], 48(1):1–6.
Gradov O.V., Gradova M.A., Olkhov A.A., Iordanskii A.L., Kholuiskaya S.N. (2020). Isopotential mapping of electron beam-induced dielectric charging of PHB nonwoven fabric structures using Sobel-Feldman gradient operator. In: 15th International Conference on Modification of Materials with Particle Beams and Plasma Flows. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16651.52000
Gradov, O. V., Naganovskiy, Y. K., Sergeev, A. I., Gradova, M. A., and Alexandrov, P. L. (2020). Comparative thermogravimetric compositional analysis of crystalline yeast rna and its sodium salt in different conditions. In XVI International Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in Russia (RTAC-2020). July 6th, page 73. Moscow, Russia.
Gradov O.V. Lab-on-a-Chip with CMOS or CCD Sensors as ESEM Micro-Subchamber and Lens-Less Microscope for Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM). Subm. Conf.: SDS-2020 [cancelled due to COVID-19]
Gradov, O. V. (2019). Novel perspectives for CLEM techniques in multiparametric morphology protocols. International Journal of Biomedicine, 9(Suppl. 1):35–P39.
Gorshenev V., Gradov O., Gradova M. (2019). [Differential estimation of structural properties of biomimetic materials for tissue engineering using real time correlation spectral analysis and structure-preserving maps (morphisms) in category theory framework]. Genes and Cells, 14(Supplement 1):68–69. [Abstract of the paper, reported on the KPM-2019 congress (in Russian)]
Gradov O.V. (2019). [Multiangle laser porosimetry and electron beam porosimetry for scaffolds, decellularized extracellular matrix samples and tissue-like models, including ESEM-based & CLEM-based realizations]. Genes & Cells, 14(Suppl.1):69-70. [Abstract of the paper, reported on the KPM-2019 congress (in Russian)]
Gorchenev V.N., Olkhov A.A., Gradov O.V., Gradova M.A., Aleksandrov P.L. (2019). [Emergent topological approach for integration of physical properties of solid and soft matter media in porous scaffolds and tissue-engineered constructs: case of PHB and HAp with multi-angle CLSEM visualization]. Genes and Cells, 14(Supplement 1): 69. [Abstract of the paper, reported on the KPM-2019 congress (in Russian)]
Gradov O.V., Gradova M.A., Alexandrov P.L., Ratnovskaya A.V. (2019). [YMD-mapping the electrophysical properties of biomimetic materials]. In: Conference on electron beam technology "CEBT-19", p. 64. (in Russian) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23428.48005
Gradov, O. V. and et al. (2019). Perovskite glasses with TiO2, materials cloud archive (2019), Materials Cloud Archive. DOI: 10.24435/materialscloud... [supplement to the article: Gradov O. Towards polarizing correlative light-electron microscopy (PCLEM). doi:10.26641/1997-9665.2018.3].
Grigorieva, E., Gradova, M., and Gradov, O. (2019). SEM measurements of biodegradable polymer or composite samples. In IEEE Dataport, DOI: 10.21227/esvj–ws70.
Alexandrov, P. L., Gradova, M. A., and Gradov, O. V. (2019). SEM measurements of teeth of Elasmobranchs (Chondrichtyes, Elasmobranchii). In IEEE Dataport, DOI: 10.21227/e6sz–d392.
Gradov, O. V., Alexandrov, P. L., and Gradova, M. A. (2019). Cola mineral collection samples for on-line PC-assisted 2D diffractometry and correlation-spectral analysis. In IEEE Dataport, DOI: 10.21227/nzzz–3007.
Gorshenev, V. N., Gradova, M. A., and Gradov, O. V. (2019). Hydroxyapatite and related samples for distinction between biomineralization and abiogenic mineral formation. In IEEE Dataport, DOI: 10.21227/s3dj–e419.
Gradov, O. V. (2018). Multi-angle goniometric computer-assisted lab-on-a-chip reading system stage for vacuum-gas chambers based on analytical scanning electron microscopy platform (goniometric CLEM chambers). Comput. nanotech, (4):9–16.
Gradov, O. V. (2018). [Towards Polarizing Correlative Light-Electron Microscopy (PCLEM)]. Morphologia 12(3):146-150. (in Russian)
Gradov, O. V. and Gradova, M. A. (2018). Photoinduced spatiotemporal oscillations and self-organization of dissipative structures in polymer-immobilized dispersed semiconductors. Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 10(4):04022–1–04022–8.
Gradov O. et al., (2017). [Novel EM-periodimeter-regulometer for Kinetic Analysis of Symbolic Data of Stroboscopic Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electron MicroProbe Analysis (EMPA/EPMA), Including Multilayer CLEM Maps]. Fundamental problems of radioengineering and device construction, 17(3): 769-772. (in Russian)
O. Gradov, A. Olkhov. (2018). SEM-assisted (LVEM-assisted) isopotential mapping of the dielectric charging of the nonwoven fabric structures using Sobel–Feldman operator (Sobel filter). IEEE Dataport. DOI: 10.21227/tjfe-ry55
BEFORE 2018 (Propositional works)
Gradov, O. V. and Gradova, M. A. (2014). Cryoelectron microscopy as a functional instrument for system biology, structural analysis and experimental manipulations with living cells. Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine, 24(3):193–210.
Gradov, O. V. and Gradova, M. A. (2016). Methods of electron microscopy of biological and abiogenic structures in artificial gas atmospheres. Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry, 52(1):117–125.
Gradov, O. and Gradova, M. (2017). From systems to synthetic biology through cryoelectron microscopy. In Russian International сonference on cryoelectron microscopy 2017, page 17.